CN The sea bus
06 mai 2023As part of moral and civic education as well as education for sustainable development, the students worked on the seabus project set in 2019 by Guadeloupe region within Pointe-à-Pitre area. Guadeloupe region had chosen to implement seabuses, in order to facilitate transport between Pointe-à-Pitre and the industrial estate of Jarry. Due to an overload of vehicules, the area is subject to huge traffic jam on a daily basis. During the experimental phase, the first seabus was to work accordingly with the mainland buses. Unfortunately, COVID 19 crisis and the lock down put a stop to this experimental phase. Sixth grade students worked on soft mobility and how to live in the city. Taking the example of the cities of Pointe-à-Pitre and Baie-Mahault, they began to indentify the different types of mobility used: owned cars, public transport, bicycles and then they developped a travel plan and interconnections. They made proposals and finally from a press review on the "SeaBus" experiment, they studied a new proposal for green transport. The pupils had to understand the multiple purposes of mobilities which is the key point for Guadeloupe regional planning. During this teaching lessons, they worked on the following skills: learning and finding one's way, naming and locating, the major geographical landmarks, knowing how to read, understanding documents (maps, plans). They also worked on their digital skills during research on the Internet and during the making of the document using Canva application. During their outing on the arrival of La Route Du Rhum on November 2022, they were able to take for the first time the seabus which were put back into service for this occasion. In connection with land shuttles, the two seabuses, each able to accommodate 50 passengers, operated for more than a fortnight. More than 100,000 passengers were expected.