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Energy for life

Energy for life

FR22 CIEE Guided tour of city of Dunkerque CIEE, France, Erasmus+

FR22 CIEE Guided tour of city of Dunkerque

The first activity of the day was a guided tour of the city. Pupils were divided into 2 groups. Christine and Fabrice...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 CIEE Sand sculptures CIEE, France, Erasmus+

FR22 CIEE Sand sculptures

The summary of the week was activity at the beach. The task was to build/create/make something from sand that has...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 CMST UNESCO heritage site -  the highest slag heaps in Europe CMST, France, Erasmus+

FR22 CMST UNESCO heritage site - the highest slag heaps in Europe

In the commune of Loos-en-Gohelle, a former mining town, there are a series of five conical hills, of which two...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 RSC Brussels - excursion to European Parliament, and main UNESCO sights RSC, France, Erasmus+

FR22 RSC Brussels - excursion to European Parliament, and main UNESCO sights

On Monday, although it was a travel day for both teams, we had the possibility to spend a few hours in the capital...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 CIEE Sport activities in Olhain CIEE, France, Erasmus+

FR22 CIEE Sport activities in Olhain

Pupils came to the adventure park in Olhain, where the team of the instructors prepared several challenging games...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 AA The museum of port of Dunkerque CMST, France, Erasmus+

FR22 AA The museum of port of Dunkerque

The excursion in the museum of port was a great moment to understand how the life in Dunkerque changed during period...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 RSC Discovery of the sand dunes RSC, France, Erasmus+

FR22 RSC Discovery of the sand dunes

The activity focused on getting to know a specific type of natural environment - sand dunes, which were created...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 RSC Excursion to the coal mining centre in Lewarde RSC, France, Erasmus+

FR22 RSC Excursion to the coal mining centre in Lewarde

On Wednesday participants went to a coal mining in Lewarde. This is a former mine, nowadays a museum. First students...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 AA Geography – technological risks of the region of Dunkerque RSC, France, Erasmus+

FR22 AA Geography – technological risks of the region of Dunkerque

Second activity of the day was the geography workshop. The teacher of geography and history first explained the...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 RSC The importance of canals in Dunkerque - Halle aux sucres RSC, France, Erasmus+

FR22 RSC The importance of canals in Dunkerque - Halle aux sucres

In the afternoon the pupils went to centre called Halle aux sucres, the former warehouse for trading sugar, now...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 SEC Bateau Feu Theatre - shadow play SEC, France, Erasmus+

FR22 SEC Bateau Feu Theatre - shadow play

The theatrical performance was a shadow play. It highlighted the mastery of artists with simple tools and common...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 SEC Dragon of Calais SEC, France, Erasmus+

FR22 SEC Dragon of Calais

Dragon of Calais is the work of art, monumental machine and symbol of Calais. Pupils learned that it is the guardian...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 AA Nausicaá - the largest aquarium in Europe AA, France, Erasmus+

FR22 AA Nausicaá - the largest aquarium in Europe

In the morning we went by bus to Boulogne Sur Mer to visit the largest aquarium in the world Nausicaá. It is the...

30 Avril 2022

FR222 AA Cap Blanc Nez (White nose Cape) AA, France, Erasmus+

FR222 AA Cap Blanc Nez (White nose Cape)

Cap Blanc Nez is situated 10 km far from Calais. It is 134m high and it is France most motherly cliff. There are...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 CMST Building wind turbines CMST, France, Erasmus+

FR22 CMST Building wind turbines

The first activity of the week was a science workshop about the wind turbines. The pupils first had a small discussion...

30 Avril 2022

FR22 AA Bowling AA, France, Erasmus+

FR22 AA Bowling

The first morning activity was a game of bowling. The pupils were divided into international 10 teams. They chose...

30 Avril 2022

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