FR22 CIEE Sand sculptures
30 avr. 2022The summary of the week was activity at the beach. The task was to build/create/make something from sand that has connection to the topic of the project - energy. They had 40 minutes to do things. Pupils were in the same teams as at bowling in the morning. They used the toys - spades, buckets to dig holes, to build towers etc. Their creativity was really various. We could see eoliens, dunes, nuclear sites, logo of the project, mount Etna, battery, lighthouse, etc. Some teams worked very well, others had difficulties to decide what to build. Some teams discussed the work before, others worked step by step on ideas they had. They divided roles and each member of the team was responsible for the result. They used also different seaweed, mussels and wooden sticks to decorate their creations.
The pupils liked the activity, even the eldest students. They turned the music on and they made a very pleasant atmosphere at the beach.