CIEE –Imagining the city of the future- Sustainable school
02 juil. 2023We wanted our students to realise that sustainable school design is not only about green spaces , recycling and the use of renewable sources of energy, but also prioritizes the health and wellbeing of students and members of the educativecommunity.
For that activity, the students divided in groups of 4 were given a poster and a worksheet in English including the assignment of the activity and a glossary, list of words connected with the environment.
They were asked to find ideas to create an ideal sustainable school of the future.
They were invited to choose 2 or 3 ideas for each category presented in the poster and with the help of the vocabularybank, write 2 or 3 sentences on coloured post-it notes.
The students debated to reach an agreement and keep the best ideas.
Then, after filling in the post-it notes, they stuck them around the school in the right place, and drew an arrow between the post-it note and the place near the pictures. Finally, they presented their posters to the group, justifying their choices.
The students took an active part in the activity. They were led to think of all that can be improved in their school to makeit an ideal sustainable schooL of the future. They were happy to show their posters and explain their choices, thusinforming the other groups. They realized by designing a sustainable school of the future that humans must interact withthe environment in a way that ensures there will be enough resources left for future generations.
The posters were displayed in the school.