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Energy for life


CIEE– Promoting eco and solidarity gestures. Collecting plastic caps. CIEE, Erasmus+, France

CIEE– Promoting eco and solidarity gestures. Collecting plastic caps.

This action has been carried out in our school for several years. The aim is to raise money for an association...

2 Juillet 2023

CIEE- Promoting eco and solidarity  gestures. Collecting for the Food Bank. CIEE, Erasmus+, France

CIEE- Promoting eco and solidarity gestures. Collecting for the Food Bank.

This action has been carried out in our school for several years. The aim is to raise money for an association...

2 Juillet 2023

CIEE –Imagining the city of the future- Sustainable school CIEE, Erasmus+, France

CIEE –Imagining the city of the future- Sustainable school

We wanted our students to realise that sustainable school design is not only about green spaces , recycling and...

2 Juillet 2023

CIEE We care about our town CIEE, Diffusion, Erasmus+, Slovakia

CIEE We care about our town

As part of the Energy for Life project in the Erasmus+ program, representatives of the Pupil School Parliament...

23 Mai 2023

SL23 CIEE Energy of water Holidaypark Kovacova  CIEE, Erasmus+, Slovakia

SL23 CIEE Energy of water Holidaypark Kovacova

The aquapark was built in a place of the previous thermal swimming pool. Thermal water of Kováčová is known for...

15 Mai 2023

 CEEI Discovery of environmental professions CIEE, Guadeloupe, Erasmus+

CEEI Discovery of environmental professions

Description: 4th and 3rd graders from Maryse Condé College participated on Wednesday , October 27, 2021 in a field...

7 Mai 2023

CIEE La Désirade without water and yet… CIEE, Erasmus+, Guadeloupe

CIEE La Désirade without water and yet…

The question of water is a recurring problem on the island of La Désirade. In an insular situation, for many years...

6 Mai 2023

CIEE Artisanal fishing at La Désirade CIEE, Erasmus+, Guadeloupe

CIEE Artisanal fishing at La Désirade

Fishing is the main activity in La Désirade. The main part of Guadeloupe's fish and shellfish consumption is coming...

6 Mai 2023

ITS23 CIEE Old fisherman CIEE, Erasmus+, Italy

ITS23 CIEE Old fisherman

A Sicilian fisherman came to present the traditional production of fish trap , using rush. First, he detailed the...

2 Avril 2023

ITS23 CIEE Adelfio a factory where they process the fish   CIEE, Erasmus+, Italy

ITS23 CIEE Adelfio a factory where they process the fish

The pachino region includes several old tuna factories.Ttuna fishing has been of great economic importance to the...

2 Avril 2023

FRG23 CIEE My school my whale CIEE, Guadeloupe, Diffusion, Erasmus+

FRG23 CIEE My school my whale

Nelly, t he lecturer, from NGO www.onecolemabaleine.com came to school to tell pupils a lot of interesting facts...

1 Février 2023

SEC Slovak National Uprising through my eyes CIEE, Diffusion, Erasmus+, Slovakia

SEC Slovak National Uprising through my eyes

On 24th November 2022, our 8th graders took part in an excursion - an educational program about Slovak National...

24 Novembre 2022

CIEE Hiking trip to ruins of the castle Pustý hrad CIEE, Diffusion, Erasmus+, Slovakia

CIEE Hiking trip to ruins of the castle Pustý hrad

31 children gathered at the school in the morning. After arriving at the school, the collected documents were checked....

8 Juillet 2022

FRGUA22 CIEE Ecole de Bragelone et son AME Guadeloupe, CIEE, Erasmus+

FRGUA22 CIEE Ecole de Bragelone et son AME

We were received by CM2 students from the Christian Gobert school in Bragelogne and their teacher who presented...

20 Juin 2022

CIEE Energy and climate mission France, CIEE, Erasmus+

CIEE Energy and climate mission

The aim of this intervention was to make the students aware of the issue of choosing the power plants to be used...

1 Mai 2022

FR22 CIEE Guided tour of city of Dunkerque CIEE, France, Erasmus+

FR22 CIEE Guided tour of city of Dunkerque

The first activity of the day was a guided tour of the city. Pupils were divided into 2 groups. Christine and Fabrice...

30 Avril 2022

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