The question of water is a recurring problem on the island of La Désirade. In an insular situation, for many years the inhabitants of the isle lived without running water. The population used water from the springs from the territory of the wells they also dug. Another solution was the construction of desalination plants. These factories were destroyed by the hurricane of 1989, they were also much too expensive to be rebuilt. A 15 km pipeline was finally inaugurated in 1991. It connects Guadeloupe to La Désirade and allows drinking water to be distributed to all houses. Even today, in La Desirade, so as in Guadeloupe, the water supply is sometimes disrupted or even interrupted. The students had to think about this water disruption issue through times. In order to do so they interviewed their families to find out what the practices were in the past. They also identified the traces of this very special water management. They gathered images of the several water sources on the island (Wells, cisterns, springs, water pipes), and interviewed an elderly. She explained to the students how they use to managed "an tan lontan" (during the old days). They prepared questions to interview her. How did the inhabitants preserved water? Was there enough water? For what purposes was the water needed? Water for humans and animals, household, toilet.. How did they keep water? what are the differences between past and present?

Following this meeting, they made presentations on all the different ways of producing drinking water at La Desirade. A debate was then organized for the students to propose different ways of saving drinking water resources. Besides, they did extensive researches to find new drinking water resources.

CIEE La Désirade without water and yet…
CIEE La Désirade without water and yet…
CIEE La Désirade without water and yet…
CIEE La Désirade without water and yet…
CIEE La Désirade without water and yet…
CIEE La Désirade without water and yet…
CIEE La Désirade without water and yet…
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