Fishing is the main activity in La Désirade. The main part of Guadeloupe's fish and shellfish consumption is coming from the island's fishermen. The profession has evolved a lot over time, the techniques as well as the equipments have improved over the years. Nowadays, there are more than fifty small boats in La Desirade, on which fishermen leave for the day. When they return, the fishermen give their fishes to the wholesalers who take care of the resale. There is a huge range of techniques: trap fishing, line fishing. …The job has involve through the years with fishermen being now accountants, managers and they should also have diplomas to practice. Many secondary school students decide to go into the fishing industry. They therefore prepare all year round for this orientation. All ninth-grade students must do an observation course, i.e. they must stay with a professional for a week to understand the fishing business. They can also do their internship at the fishmonger’s. Environmental issues are now taken into account. The activity is increasingly threatened because the resource has greatly diminished. Also as part of education for sustainable development, students on various outings were given explanations and information on fishing prohibitions and protection measures. During a visit to the Guadeloupe National Park, they were told what the fishing restriction measures were impacted by the chlordecone pesticide pollution. During the visit to Petite Terre Reserve, the guards reminded the students of the prohibiting fishing measures around the reserve’s waters.

CIEE Artisanal fishing at La Désirade
CIEE Artisanal fishing at La Désirade
CIEE Artisanal fishing at La Désirade
CIEE Artisanal fishing at La Désirade
CIEE Artisanal fishing at La Désirade
CIEE Artisanal fishing at La Désirade
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