FRGUA22 CIEE Ecole de Bragelone et son AME
20 juin 2022We were received by CM2 students from the Christian Gobert school in Bragelogne and their teacher who presented their AEM (educational marine area) project to us in their class. Together, we went by bus to the beach of Anse Loquet where they developed theirproject. The purpose of this is to make pupils aware of the biodiversity of the place (in particular thanks to the interventions of numerousspecialists and professionals). Then, sensitized, the pupils and their teacher set up their project : cleaning of the site, observation and measurement of the quality of the water, design and installation of information panels, information and mobilization of the parents of students on the site, presentation of the AME to other Educational Areas in the territory. Currently, for example, they have made a nursery with typical plants of this space in order to replant them.
To conclude the morning, we all went to the Pointe des Châteaux site where the students were able to show us the diversity of the local flora and fauna.
The work accomplished by these students is impressive : in addition to having been made aware of the importance of protecting theirenvironment, these students have learned to cooperate to carry out their project, but also to be independent, to speak up, to be active citizens. These skills have been worked on since 2015 by this class, the date of the school's first AEM. The teachers of the E4L projectpraised the educational work carried out and expressed the desire to develop such project near their respective college.