FRGUA22 CMST Réserve géologique de La Désirade
20 juin 2022The island of La Désirade presents, at its eastern end, a wide range of rocks and geological phenomena : this heritage is at the origin of the creation of the first nature reserve of a geological nature in the overseas territories.
The exceptional site of 62 ha shows the old witnesses of a probable volcanic arc dating from the late Jurassic, unique case in the Archipelago of the Lesser Antilles and very rare witness of the beginnings of the formation of the Caribbean plate. We were able to seebasalt flows associated with banks of radiolarites characteristic of underwater eruptions.
We were also able to observe the famous "English Head" cactus and the Lesser Antilles iguana.
Accompanied by two guards from the reserve, we had to, with the sixth graders, find remarkable places from photographs, thenexplanations were given on the geological particularities of the place. The students had to make an observation sketch. At the end of the intervention, each student had chosen a piece of rock on which were affixed by a guard a few drops of acid in order to demonstrate thatcertain rocks were limestone.
The students quickly took to the game of research based on photographs. They are taught how to make an observation sketch in the fieldand learned certain peculiarities of rocks. It was also an opportunity for them to make us discover the natural riches of their island.