FRGUA22 CSMT Presentations about energies in Guadeloupe
20 juin 2022On Friday, we all gathered in a hall where the pupils of the college presented us their works about the energy. They were divided into several groups in the subjects such as English, Physics, History, Geography, and Science. Each group prepared a presentation of their work and outputs. The first 3 groups worked in English and made 3 tourist guides about the archipelago, They learned which parts should a good brochure have. They presented their works in English. In the lesson history and geography we learned about how the drinkable water was transported to Desirade from Guadeloupe by undersea pipes. Another group prepared a presentation about wind turbines and desalination factory. The last group presented the hydroelectric energy from the point of the physics and science. Each group stressed the advantages and disadvantages of each source of energy. The showed how much they knew about their island and how they all care about the environment.
Pupils works were really good. Texts were well supported by pictures. And they showed us their work of the last period.