
4th and 3rd graders from Maryse Condé College participated on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 in a field trip to the Geological Reserve of Baie Mahault. As part of a partnership with the Tité Association, they have started a cycle of activities with the themeDiscovering Environmental Professions”. This first outing allowed them to discover the guard job with Alain Saint Auret and Roby Berchel. At the end of a question/answer game, they were able to complete a job description. The guards presented them and had their equipment tested: GPS, binoculars. This morning was also an opportunity to see the rich biodiversity of the island. They were able to observe traces of turtles that had come to lay eggs on the beach, melocactus, protected cacti and large numbers of iguanas.  In order to discover environmental professions, the students went to the Désirade National Park. They left La Désirade to go first to Basse Terre to the Maison de la Forêt where the nature facilitator in charge of environmental education and sustainable development, Aurélie Ramsamy joined them. On this site, they were able to discover the tropical fauna and flora through three activities: a sensory walk (becoming aware of the forest through the senses with particular attention to smell), a tale passed down by the river a guided tour. Through these experiences, they were able to approach the profession of reception and animation agent. They were also able to learn about the design of educational materials (relief map of the municipalities of Guadeloupe, educational games) After a picnic at the water's edge, they then went to Baie Mahault on the shore to meet a guard monitor and educational referent in the marine environment. This was an opportunity to recall the regulations on marine protected areas, through role plays the students put themselves in the position of offenders or guards. They were also able to discover how observations in the marine environment are carried out (photographic surveys of coral reefs to assess their development)

 CEEI Discovery of environmental professions
 CEEI Discovery of environmental professions
 CEEI Discovery of environmental professions
 CEEI Discovery of environmental professions
 CEEI Discovery of environmental professions
 CEEI Discovery of environmental professions
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