FRGUA22 RSC Memorial ACTe
20 juin 2022On Sunday we visited the Memorial ACTe or Carribean Centre for Expressions and Rememberance of the Slave Trade and Slavery. It is located in the port of Point-a-Pitre at the place of former Darboussier sugar factory. It was open on 2015 and it is dedicated to the collective memory of slavery and slave world open to contemporary world. It presents the slavery form Antiquity to the present day. The Memorial ACTe is a strong symbolic place, echoing its time and projecting on contemporary expressions. At the same time it is informative, educational, “attractive” in certain respects, it is a place to learn, to meditate, (re) search for a history now common to humanity. With the help of audio guide we could learn a lot a sad part of human history, howthe triangle trade was made, how the slaves stuggled for their freedom. Final part is the corridor of famous people (black butwhite also) who were connected with fight for freedom. The music you can hear is the symbol of victory and hope for betterfuture.
It is forbidden to take pictures and videos inside. It is though important to visit the place and keep the memories. The place fullfilled us all with strong emotions and thoughts about the importance of being good persons.