Nelly, the lecturer, from NGO came to school to tell pupils a lot of interesting facts about whales. In the sea around Dèsirade island, it is possible to observe two types of whales - the so-called  humpback whales and long-finned sperm whales.  The whales come to Guadeloupe, Dèsirade and Petite Terre to breed and give birth to their babies here.  Then they make the long journey to the cold waters of Iceland and Norway, where they still find plenty of food.  We learned about their body structure, their habits, sounds and even gestures and their meaning.  We were able to successfully solve the „memory game" about whales - we paired photos of tail fins of whales from different parts of the world.  Thanks to this game, we learned about the migration routes of local whales and about the fact that their tails work the same as our fingerprints. Our Désirade classmates have the advantage of being able to watch whales directly from the school's terrace during some months of the year. Students discovered that an animal called pakicetus, which lived 55 million years ago was the ancestor of nowadays whales.  They also learned that some countries still hunt whales instead of fully protecting them.  Pupils learned that they take action too to protect whales.  Alkaline poisonous substances from discarded batteries settle in their bodies.  If we responsibly hand over batteries for collection, or use rechargeable batteries, it will help these huge, but so vulnerable giants.


After the lecture, we moved to the school yard, where the teachers prepared for students a repetition of the topic in a playful way.  Here they were divided into two teams and played games with an environmental theme. They learned new English/French vocabulary, strengthened teamwork, patience and tolerance.  After the activities, Tghey took a photo together as a souvenir for the activity.

FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
FRG23 CIEE My school my whale
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