FRG23 AA Welcome to La Désirade and lessons with peers
01 févr. 2023WELCOME:When we came to La Désirade, parents and students were waiting for us in the port. We introduced each other, and pupils founf their pairs. Then they went home and rested. In the morning the visiting students and teachers gathered at the localschool, where we were welcomed by the school principal and in an informal atmosphere at breakfast, attended not only by theguests, but also by all the students and staff of the College, we learned basic information about the school. They introduced us to individual teachers.
FRENCH : The first lesson starts already at 7:00.French teacher divided pupils into groups in which they played an extended version of the game "name, city, animal, thing". In addition to these typical four items, they also added body parts, occupation and activities for a specific letter to the list of searched words. It was not easy because the trip to Guadeloupe and La Désirade is our first encounter with this language. However, it was also fun, especially when for the letter "K" Slovak name of city Košice came up and they found word Humenné for H, and got points thanks to it.
GEOGRAPHY: The break was followed by a geography/history lesson. Here it is like one subject and is taught as a whole. That was an easy thing to learn, because the class contained a lot of information about the development of industry in France. We captured two interesting pieces of information in particular – the southern French city of Toulouse is an important center of engineering, especially an industry focused on the production of aircraft (air element again?). Another piece of information said that there is a deindustrialization trend in France, i.e. a transition to less environmentally burdensome production. We liked the tablet e-textbooks of our classmates. Each of them had their own tablet, in which they had the topic of the lesson processed interactively. By touch, for example, they could observe how the composition of French industry changed over the past decades. And although we didn't understand much, we learned new information thanks to working with the map.
TECHNLOGY: On Friday, we had the technology lesson, where we worked in groups to design wind turbines, which are notonly a dominant feature of the local landscape, but also an important source of electricity. The material was simple - cardboard, skewers and adhesive tape, but that didn't stop us from experimenting and designing and testing our own prototypes of "windtowers" together.
Students enjoyed the lesson of French the most. It was active, interactive and fun lesson. They had to collaborate to gainpoints, in Geography, they could see the work with e-books and in technology, they observed the work with recycledmaterials.