SL23 AA Sports Day
15 mai 2023The students were divided into groups and took part in physical education lessons. They did different kinds of activities such as, running, jumping in military challenge (over obstacles like wheels, through balls 4 kilos, scales..)
Other funny sports were proposed with the spirit of friendship, teambuilding, competition in teams or individually
Slackline: Slacklining is walking, running or balancing along a suspended length of flat webbing that is tensionedbetween two anchors. Slacklining is similar to slack rope walking and tightrope walking. Slacklines differ fromtightwires and tightropes in the type of material used and the amount of tension applied during use.
Hockey: For indoor hockey, two teams of players compete against each other using their 'hooked' sticks to play a ball. It may only be pushed and not hit or flicked. Except for a shot at goal, it may only be played along the ground. Players skilfully push, pass and dribble the ball. The aim is score by getting the ball into the opponents' goal. To do that, they have to get the ball past the other team's goalkeeper, who protects the goal, and logically, tries to keep the ball out!
Theque: is a game of tradition. The purpose of the game? Shoot the ball in the field andgo around the bases to score 1 point. Each inturn, the batsman, will hit the ball with a baseball bat or a tennis racket to send it as far as possible on the field.
Laser weapon: the objective is to use your laser weapon to shoot down targets…. Which change of color whendone
Robot races: the goal was to create a collaborative and fun atmosphere that allows students to become aware of and excited about science, technology, engineering and math. The competition was the line race into two trial runs
Each run started from the starting point. If a robot has already crossed the finish line, it’s the winner.
They are aware of their strengtts and their limits. They had a lot of fun and learned a lot by games.