AA Ten years from now on
21 juin 2023Pupils of the 5th grade were working on an interesting topic, which arose a lot of questions to all who were listening to their presentation. They set on a journey to find out how our planet will look like in the future 10 years. Within the main topic they concentrated on 4 subtopics - dying rivers, melting glaciers, deforestation and interfering with the natural course of fauna and flora.
The pupils talked about how greedy people are - just for fun and more money. They do not hesitate to change the course of river Colorado just to have gondolas in a hotel resort. At the same time people who live by the river have to leave their homes and move to other parts to have water and save their everydaylife needs.
They mentioned global warming, caused by all industry and businesses. We live in a consuming society, but do we really need all the things we buy? The greenhouse gases cause the global warming, melting of glaciers, rise of sea level, etc.
They showed us an example from Hungarian village where a mayor let to cut many trees just to build a wooden path through the forest - to see the landscape. He was of course criticised a lot for his unreasonable deed.
When there is a wind storm or heavy snow, the trees fall down. People try to clean the wood, but they do not realise that trees are important to save water in the soil, the prevent us from landslide and global warming. They presented us the example fro Low Tatras.
To conclude, their questios were: Is it all worth? Do we need all the luxury in hotels, goods in shops? What will happen to animals and plans if we dont take action and stop global warming? What will happe to seaside villages and towns? Will they dissapear under sea surface?
We all hope that people change from greedy to smart because there is no planet B.