The first activity of the week was a science workshop about the wind turbines. The pupils first had a small discussion about the renewable sources of energy, their importance and use. Then they worked on computers where they could see the wind turbine and its parts. Their task was to name all the parts of the wind turbine in English.  Then they had to find out what is the name of the engine that changes the mechanical energy to electrical energy. They could observe the model of the turbine and the teacher explained them how the turbine works, the power of wind, and how the energy can be stored for the future use. They learned why not all the turbines work at the same time. The answers were written down in a worksheet.  Pupils were working in international pairs. 

Next activity was aimed at the solar energy. With the small model of solar panel, pupils could see how the solar energy is measured. They had a multimeter and with it they could measure how much light  was gathered by solar panel. This is the way how in reality the solar panels can be tested.

The pupils liked the activity and they worked hard to fill in all the answers in the worksheet. They worked well in pairs and also they were active in answering the questions of the teacher. In the end they learned a lot about wind energy.

FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
FR22 CMST Building wind turbines
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