The first morning activity was a game of bowling. The pupils were divided into international 10 teams. They chose the lane and the competition started. They had fun and the friendship was strengthened. They counted the points, and fair play and team spirit. They supported each other and advised the mates too about how to play and which ball to take, how to throw a ball the best way.  The activity took one hour and the teams congratulated to the best players. They could also practise the vocabulary in English connected with bowling game.      

The game of bowling was a great activity for pupils. They were very competitive and tried their best to help the team to win the game.

FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
FR22 AA Bowling
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