On April 22, 2022, a thematic excursion took place in the town of Martin for students of 8.A and 8.B class, focusing on the history, culture and personalities of the Slovak nation. The students visited the premises of Matica slovenská, learned the detailed facts about its origin, development and meaning of existence. During the tour, they had the opportunity to see the interior of the building, exhibits. The visit was made more pleasant by a nice walk through the park, where there are busts of important personalities of Slovak culture and politics.

After a short break, the participants of the excursion moved to the National Cemetery and tried to find as many famous personalities of the Slovak nation as possible whose tombs are there.The last stop was the open-air Museum of the Slovak Village. The museum is the largest natural exhibition in Slovakia. It is located in Jahodnícky háj, east of Martin town, and on an area of ​​15.5 ha there are 143 exhibits of Slovak folk architecture. The exhibition presents a picture of traditional folk architecture, housing and the way of life of the inhabitants of the areas of northwestern Slovakia in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. In the beautiful Slovak nature, students got acquainted with the architecture, life and traditions of the Slovak people.  

SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
SEC Excursion to Matica Slovenská, Museum of Slovak village in Martin, National cemetery
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