FR222 AA Cap Blanc Nez (White nose Cape)
30 avr. 2022
Cap Blanc Nez is situated 10 km far from Calais. It is 134m high and it is France most motherly cliff. There are 2 capes - white and grey. The difference is in the colour of the rock On the hill there is a memorial from the WW2. Pupils came here to see the Cap Gris Nez, the nearest point on mainland Europe to Great Britain. The distance is about 30 kms. We could see them in the distance. The place is very windy as it is on open area, its bright white colour to the chalk from which it is formed, Cap Blanc Nez has long served as a landmark for sailors.
The walk was very nice and pupils could observe the nice nature, and beautiful view of the English Channel. For Slovak team it was especially interesting, as they do not have the sea.