FR22 RSC Discovery of the sand dunes
30 avr. 2022The activity focused on getting to know a specific type of natural environment - sand dunes, which were created by wind. The area that the students got to know is protected by law. Thanks to the guided and instructors who work in the area, they became familiar with the rules of behaviour in the protected area - what is allowed and what is not. They developed environmental competencies (focused on environmental protection). They got to know different species of plants, specific for a given locality (specific flora) and they learned about the help of sheep which are used to cut the grass in dunes and by this natural way they keep the level of bushes under control. They practically tested their manual skills in removing invasive plants growing in dunes which prevent the growth of plants natural for the dunes. Last but not least, they also expanded their field of knowledge in civil law issues (migration of migrants). They met the police officers who are responsible for the area.
Finally, the pupils took a common picture and could walk barefoot in the sand. They enjoyed the excursion a lot and spent a good time learning by picking up. And they helped the environment by being active citizens – they cleaned the area.