SL23 RSC Bike ride across the city
15 mai 2023In the afternoon all students had a bicycle to go to the swimming pool. The group had a round in the city and the police helps us to be safe without any danger to cross the main roads. We went through the fields and it was the occasion to seethe countryside of slovakia. To ride is moving! So some of our students were really tired when we arrived. Bu the best wait for the one in difficulties. Because sedentary lifestyles spread and settle nicely ontheir sofas and to fight it there is onlyone solution: MOVE. So they had exercise yes! But not only!
For those who have less time, this experience also means changing some of your small daily habits: going to schoolon foot or by bike, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, making your calls while walking...
Even better, regular cycling will help strengthen your cardiovascular system over time, enabling your heart and lungs to work more efficiently and getting more oxygen where it's needed quicker. This means you can do more exercise for lesseffort.
Cycling can grow your brain in the same way it can grow your muscles. Blood flow to the brain increases just as it doeswith the muscles. Riding increases the production of proteins used for creating new brain cells by two or three times the norma!
Pupils were so happy to ride all in a big group. It was a real motivation for all to try to follow the rythm