RSC Let’s respect nature and the environment- Let’s clean nature
07 mai 2023The « eco-delegate » students are elected by the students as their representatives at different levels.
Eco-delegates play an essential role in implementing the ecological transition and sustainable development in the school. During the school-year, they participated in a collaborative project named « Plastique à la loupe » proposed by the Tara Ocean foundation in collaboration with CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) researchers, whose goal is to identify the pollution on the beaches and river banks of France.
The students collected about 10 kilos of waste on Bray-Dunes beach. Then, they had to identify it, sort it out by category (plastic, glass, etc...). and list it. On our coastline, the quantity of pieces of fishing nets is quite impressive.
The results were sent to the Tara Foundation for study and statistics.
The students realised how important biodiversity and environmental protection are, and the value of a collective action : besides changing their own attitude towards the environment, and encouraging ecological gestures in the school and ouside school, the project and its results aim to influence political and European decisions.