FR22 RSC Brussels - excursion to European Parliament, and main UNESCO sights
30 avr. 2022On Monday, although it was a travel day for both teams, we had the possibility to spend a few hours in the capital of Belgium - Brussels. The weather wasn´t very pleasant, it was raining, but we enjoyed the new experience anyway. First pupils learned how to use the lockers in the Central station to be able to leave the luggage safe and walk in the city without carrying it. Then, we bought the tickets for the underground. For some of your pupils it was the first time experience to travel by underground. We got of the train at the Trone station and went to Place du Luxembourg. We took some pictures and pupils learned about a politician and writer Alitero Spinelli – who is the founder of European Union. Then we went inside the hemicycle. In front of the entrance, there were ruins of Berlin wall – to remember the bad part of the history and not to repeat the same mistakes again. Inside the building, we had to undertake the control similar to one at the airport – we had to show out passports and all the luggage. The entrance was for free and we could see where our politicians work for better Europe.
After the visit we went to see UNESCO site – Grand Place with beautiful architecture and Town Hall. After we visited the fountain - Manneken Pis - the symbol of the city. From the gastronomic point of view we couldn´t miss the famous Frites with different kinds of sauce.
Pupils liked the trip, they visited the places that they are currently learning at school about – history and contemporary issues.