FR22 AA Geography – technological risks of the region of Dunkerque
30 avr. 2022Second activity of the day was the geography workshop. The teacher of geography and history first explained the students the background of the Dunkerque region, the population the growth of the port and its industries.
The teacher of geography and history first explained the students the background of the Dunkerque region, the population the growth of the port and its industries. The activity started with a short video showing the evolution of the port of Dunkerque and its extensions. The target was to explain to the pupils the concept of major risk based on the example of the port of Dunkirk. Maps made it possible to see the progressive installation of industries in the port. Then, a point was made on the notion of major industrial risks (SEVESO sites, lists of technological risks). Students learned that there were 22 industrial sites that influence the quality of life of people and the the impact on the environment. Their task then was to follow the instructions on the worksheet and work with PDF document about the sites, Google Earth and prepare a powerpoint slide about one chosen industrial site. Students worked in international pairs. They found all the information they needed and prepared the slide. They sent it to the teacher and next, they went to another classroom. In the desk room, in pairs (a French and his penfriend), they had to present an industrial site presenting a technological risk and place it on a map of the port of Dunkirk. With the help of interactive board they had the map of Dunkerque with main information about 16 industrial sites. Finally, using a TBI, a summary map was produced: each pair integrated the industrial site on which they had worked. The common output has been a PDF version of their work on interactive board. They liked the activity and worked in a nice and friendly way. They all realized the importance of environment protection.
The pupils discovered a fundamental aspect of their territory and, as a citizen, that living somewhere requires knowledge of this territory in order to apprehend its dangers. Then, the collaboration in pairs allowed them to exchange and help each other. Finally, they acquired some basic concepts in cartography and learned to use new digital tools.