In our school we care about our planet. We try to save as much energy as possible. Our aim is to teach students to be green, to behave responsibly to environment.  During the distance lessons pupils were given a task to prepare the posters about possible ways to save the energy. The topic was to give tips for the community how to save energy at home, at school, everywhere possible. The posters were displayed in the town noticeboards, school webpage and in school corridors so the texts should have been in Slovak language.

Pupils of 7th, 8th and 9th class were working on the technology and IT lessons and they used different I-tools to make original and various posters.

They showed us their creativity, originality and motivation to change things to have better world. They also had to complete the questionnaire about how green they were.


CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
CIEE: Let´s save the energy together!
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