SL22 CMST Chemistry workshop water in our life
18 avr. 2022Different workshops are proposed.
Acidity and alkalinity of aqueous solutions: Change colors or water because of acide. With special papers they compare the color of pH to know how acide it is. They controle basic, neutral or acide.
Lavalamp: they put vitamin C with bublles, water and oil.
Waterpump: to put a candel in a box of water… without oxygen water goes up
Foam Volcano: water
Filtration: dirty water in a filter of coffee doesn’t change the color. When we use only sand the filter is better and water becomes clean.
Preparation and proof of Hydrogen and oxygen with water: Chloryde acide is putting in a tube, the flavor is catched in another one and put on a flame, after few second it makes a noisy explosion
Put a stick in a tube warm, a flame arrives with a noise.
Dichromate Volcano: how to create a little eruption in laboratory
Students learnt about experience with water and different states, chemistery reactions by peer to peer.