Each school presented their country and the actions which were made during the tree years of the Energy for life project. The presentation took place in the big hall of the slovak school, with all the partners. The students of eachschool shared the slides of a diaporama between themselves, and explained in english , with a microphone, the particularities of their country, their town, and their school organisation. The students could understand how different were the landscapes, the culture, of an caraïbean island ( la Désirade), one of the biggest cities in Spain (Barcelona), the industrial port of Dunkerque in the North of France, or the region of Sicily in the extrem south of Europe. 


But the main topic was the different actions in the Erasmus project E4L.   

The students were able to show the diversity of the activities carried out in their school: they learnt many thingsabout the environmental issues, the sustainable energies . They understood that they belonged to the same project,working in the same direction. They have imporved their scientific, cultural and linguistic skills.



-  they were very proud of their performance. 

-they improve their sefl-confidence, their ability to speak English 

-photos and videos were made and work from each school posted on the blog

SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
SL23 CLE-AA  Our school and our activities
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