CLM Action! Let’s imagine the ideal city: Tell me about tomorrow
02 juil. 2023The project was proposed by the Bateau Feu theatre in Dunkerque on the theme of the ideal city. It consisted of several artistic workshops: writing, storytelling and shadows theatre.
The 4th grade students of the Erasmus+ E4L group took part in the writing workshop led by the author and director Amar Oumaziz (Lille-based company "Regarde E Va"). It consisted of 10 two-hour sessions from November 2021 to February 2022. This project also allowed the pupils to meet the French artists Ella & Pitr and the playwright Magali Mougel.
These meetings enabled the pupils to enrich their texts by taking inspiration from the work of these artists. Based on the texts of the pupils of the Collège Boris Vian, other structures wrote a tale, created shadow sets and put it on stage and voiced it.
A dress rehearsal took place the day before the public performance. The pupils from the Collège Boris Vian took part in the rehearsal, their role being to guide and accompany the spectators as they wandered through the alleys of the gardens of the LAAC (place of art and contemporary action in Dunkirk), and the sets specially created for the event.
A performance initially planned at the LAAC finally took place, due to bad weather, at the Theatre du bateau Feu. The pupils enjoyed participating in this project and were surprised and proud of the result obtained, which was based on their texts. They became aware of the work and the different steps involved in the creation of a show.