CLM Action ! Let’s play cards !
02 juil. 2023The aims of the activity were to work in cooperation to create an educative game enabling to learn more about the environment, to take part in a debate, give opinion and use ICT and creative skills.
After explaining the aim of the activity and the final product, the students had a debate first to define what the game would be like and what it should include. We agreed to create a game with 7 families, each incuding 6 members. The seven categories were:. activists, environmental organisations, history of energies, renewable energies, disasters, artists and architects and disasters. The students made their choice among them and started looking for some information about the different topics. Then, they wrote a short paragraph in French and English, summarizing the most important information about the character or subject.
After that, they created their happy family cards. In each card they had to include a picture, a short presentation text in French and in English and a small top banner indicating the list of the other characters or topics in the same family, respecting the same layout and font. Then, the group had a discussion to choose the backside of the deck of cards.
The students were really enthusiastic about that activity. It was for them both concrete, fun, meaningful , instructive and also useful. They learnt a lot about energies, militant associations, environmental issues, their consequences and possible solutions, etc...
They also used their creative skills to make a deck of cards that can be used in the school (copies are available in the school library), and also during the Erasmus+ hosting weeks.