Presentation III Istituto Comprensivo "G. Verga" Pachino
The history of our school is deeply rooted in the history of the town. We are in that area both geographically and culturally thanks to the daily commitment we have in order to improve the quality of school life, so the school is a small town in the town. It’s there to promote learning to improve school success.
Pedagogic choices are held regarding pupils’ needs in collaboration with families. In this way, pupils feel harmony around them, because of that learning and pedagogic “net” that helps them to grow up.
It’s made up of 15 classes with kids from 3 to 5. During their last year kids are well prepared for the Primary. They have music therapy classes as well as English classes with a mother tongue teacher. The environment is always well cleaned and well lit.
It’s made up of 22 classes with pupils from 6 to 10. During these years pupils get the knowledge and skills to grow up both from cultural and as a person, taking care of all their needs. Their teachers are an emotional, pedagogical and didactic point of reference. Besides their school activities they attend English Courses (Cambridge certification), robotic, choir, drama and sport.
It’s made up of 15 classes with students from 11 to 13. All the classes are bilingual (English and French). Besides their normal studies they do other strengthening training activities such as: Italian, English (Cambridge Certification) and Maths (a Maths competition organized by Milan Bocconi University). Local Robotic competition and sport competitions, choir, drama and (unique in Sicily) a "flight simulation" course, with the use of technological professional instrument by a flight instructor teacher. obviously, all this, without forgetting the great attention of our school to the inclusiveness of children with disabilities and special educational needs, thanks to a team of attentive and trained teachers.
- "PROJECT IN WORK" (creative atelier - robotics competitions with the "First Lego League junior" - PON coding and robotics projects)
- "END POLIO NOW" project with Rotary International (classroom and film training activities)
- Simulations of evacuation from the Institute, with the collaboration of the Civil Protection and Traffic Police.
- Competitions and Activities on the theme: “Education to Legality and Active Citizenship ".
- Meetings with: Police Headquarters, Carabinieri, external bodies on the topic “Education to Legality and Road Safety "(Primary and Secondary classes);
- Training with the Postal Police: "A life as a social" (I grade Secondary School classes)
- School Sports Center (managed by Primary and Secondary School P.E. teachers)
- Territorial sports games (I grade secondary school classes) - Class sports (primary school classes)
- ERASMUS projects: "Energies and cultural heritage" - (twinning with other European schools)
- Network project with local schools "SMART -FARM": Laboratories for employability.
Istituto Comprensivo G. Verga Pachino
eccoci giunti al giorno tanto atteso, il giorno della ripartenza, il giorno in cui si ricomincia a vivere la routine quotidiana scolastica, quella routine che non stanca mai, che non annoia mai ...