SCR: We can smell the problem in the air - School walkiebus

Every year our pupils and teachers join the European mobility Week. This year, we decided to join again in the frame of the Erasmus+ project. We decided to make a campaign in the town and pupils went to see the mayor of the town to join too. The posters were made and the parents were also invited to join. The Walkiebus was conducted by teachers or by town hall members. There were several stops around the town where pupils were waiting in the morning and joined the walkiebus. They came to school in the morning all together. The town policemen were helping, too. More than 150 pupils joined the activity, 15 teachers and about 20 parents and town hall members. Pupils wrote their names on a footprint on the noticeboratd in the school entrance hall. The class with most pupils who joined the activity was awarded.

We are becoming more green each day. The pictures of pupils and other participants were displayed in the Erasmus corner, on a school website and article was published in a school magazine and project blog.  

The activity called We can smell the problem in the air was aimed at pollution of the air.With the activity our aim is to motivate students to live healthy lifestyle and fight the laziness, to learn about the importance of using environmentally friendly ways of travelling, to improve social competences and awareness against unnecessary use of cars, to promote the importance of being active and responsible citizens to help to protect the environment.
















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