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Energy for life


SCR Renewable sources of energy – quiz SCR, Slovakia, Erasmus+, Diffusion

SCR Renewable sources of energy – quiz

Earth day is annually time to organize activities connected with protection of our environment . Now is the time...

27 Avril 2021

SCR: We love our grandparents Diffusion, Erasmus+, Slovakia, SCR

SCR: We love our grandparents

Pupils of our School Club Pramienok regularly visit pensioners in the Amicus Home for the Elderly, which is located...

4 Avril 2021

SCR: We can smell the problem in the air - School walkiebus Diffusion, Erasmus+, Slovakia, SCR

SCR: We can smell the problem in the air - School walkiebus

Every year our pupils and teachers join the European m obility W eek . This year , we decided to join again in...

20 Janvier 2021