SL22 RSC Driving lesson - energy of engines
18 avr. 2022After lunch we went to the go- kart track not too far from school. Some of the students can drive a go-kart and they couldshow their ability in doing this, some of them have never driven a car. So they were divided in groups of 4/5 for each race and the challenges started. first the instructors explained the rules and how go-kat moves and stops. They gave eachstudent a helmet and a cervical collar. And of course a balaclava, which was a present for each student.The students whohad driven before were really skilly. Even the ones who have never driven could drive and the different challenges were a moment of fighting fears and be happy together. Students learned to control the vehicle, to behave responsibly towardsthemselves and other. At the end even teachers tried to drive go-karts with a fascinating challenge. And students were great fans.
The students in the end were aware of their skills as drivers, even the most skilly and smart were really happy to have managed their cars.