The connection between our daily activities and the environment is clear and obvious. The carbon footprint expresses our emissions of CO2 and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Each individual leaves his carbon footprint on the Earth, which he can easily calculate and guide his daily behavior accordingly - transport, eating or shopping.

We did our activity in a biology lesson with 7th grade students. At the beginning, basic information about the given issue was presented through an educational video and an explanation by the teacher. Pupils got acquainted with the largest producers of the carbon footprint, which are mainly: production of thermal energy, agriculture, forestry, industry, transport, and many other common daily human activities. This was followed by a discussion about how each individual is able to reduce their carbon footprint by adjusting their lifestyle and also about the need to reduce the carbon footprint and its impact on the further development of the state of the environment. The students were divided into 3 groups, where they discussed the given topic. Using the online carbon footprint calculator, each group calculated the specific numerical value of their carbon footprint expressed in kg of carbon dioxide for 1 year. Next, they compared their CO2 production with the average value of CO2 produced by an ordinary EU citizen and also with the global average value. A discussion followed in individual groups about how to reduce this personal production. Pupils were looking for specific solutions. The task of each group was to create a poster with the given issue, which they then presented in front of the class. They also presented their suggestions on how to specifically reduce CO2 production. Among the proposals, for example, appeared:

1. Use less personal motor vehicles and more public transport or walking

2. Reduce meat consumation

3. Prefer the consumation of mainly local foods over imported ones

4. Not to buy a large amount of clothes

5. Reduce electricity consumation.

While performing the tasks of the given activity and also while studying the theory, the students began to realize facts that they were not aware of at all until then. They had to think about their personal impact on the quality of the environment and realize that each one of us can contribute to its improvement, even if only with a small share. At the same time, they also strengthened interdisciplinary relationships between biology, ecology, chemistry, and mathematics. Last but not least, they have strengthened their social ties within their classroom collective, which leads to an improvement in the overall atmosphere in the classroom.

SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
SMSK Carbon footprint
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