On 1st December 2022 students spent a nice time in a town library. A librarian, Mrs. Monika Fáziková, prepared for our Erasmus group an interesting an educative workshop. The topic was comparison of paperbook, audiobook and e-book. 

The activity started with a short brainstorm what the word innovative and traditional means. Students gave their opinion. Then the librarian read the definition from the dictionary. She also showed them the ethymological dictionary and explained them the use of it. 

Next, students got a slip of paper where they should have written a word that first came to their minds when talking about traditional and modern. they wrote words like (folklore, museum, halušky, shepherd, book) - traditional, (science, ebook, mobile, internet) - modern.

The librarian explained them that a traditional thing such as a book nowadays was a great invention too. In the 15th century it was a revolutionary invention that changed the life of people. She played the video showing the Guttenberg printing press. Before its invention it was monks who were handwriting the books in monasteries and it took a long time to do it. 

Then, they had a discussion about various books. some students read a lot of books other prefer films. They discussed the pros and cons of paper book, audio book and e-book. After, they made 3 groups and each group made a poster about what they learned.  They made sort of a mind map. They also used the stamps to sign their names on posters.

Some of the pros of a paper book were: the smell, collection for bookworms, library

Some of the pros of audiobook were: good for dyslexic people, for listening during travel, for blind people

Some of the pros of e-book:  never sold out, takes no space, popular during pandemic, cheaper.

When it comes to ecology - we cannot say that paper books are better or e-books are better. For paperbooks we need to cut trees, but for e-book we need a reader, or any other device, and it takes electricity, and produces plastic waste.

In the end they presented their work. The workshop was nice and students learned a lot in a pleasant atmosphere. The posters were displayed in a project corner in school. 


RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
RSC Ecology v. technology, innovation v. tradition
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