During the Erasmus club we worked on one of the activities. This time pupils worked on developing competences in mother language. They went to school library and chose a legend from the history of our region in the valley of the Hron river. As our region and project is connected to nature and water, we decided to read stories about it. The story was called Dead lovers near the Hron river. The teacher made a copy of the story for each student. But not the whole story. Just the beginning. Students´ task was to finish the plot. First they read the piece of the story. Then they made some notes about main characters to understand who is who in the story. They worked with google maps to see the main places mentioned in the story. Then students took a piece of paper and they became story writers. Their task was to make up the ending. After one hour they read their creative writings to their peers. They discussed about which story was the most original, most creative in term of language use, who included some funny parts, who had imaginary characters or objects. Finally the teacher read the original end from the book. Students could compare who made up the most similar story. 

In the activity we learned a lot from our regional history, we used the language and we could compare it to contemporary language (some objects, thus the words do not exist anymore). Finally, the students could create some illustrations to their stories. They learned new vocabulary in English connected to the story writing (plot, characters, moral, setting, narrator). Drawing wasn´t the most favorite part of the activity of most of students. However, some illustrations were really nice. 

CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
CLM What happened next?
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