CLM Action! We are reading! (bookflix: no waste)
07 mai 2023Step 1: Presentation to the students of the documentary collection on the theme of waste lent by the Halle aux Sucres in Dunkerque (resource centre dedicated to sustainable development). The collection contained 23 documents that were spread out on the tables of the library. In groups of 4, the students browsed and carefully examined each batch. On each table, they had to choose one or two books they found most interesting and noted on a bookmark their references (title, author, publisher, type) and their critical opinion. The bookmarks are then hung on a display grid.
Step 2: All the students reviewed the set of documents. Each group presented their favourite book(s) and explained their choice. The number of bookmarks written for each title were counted: 12 books were deemed very interesting by the students and were selected for the final Bookflix.
Step 3: In groups of 2, the students completed a description and review of their favourite book on the computer. They also took a photo to showcase their choice.
Step 4: The librarian put the students' cards online and created the bookflix with Genially. This is presented on the ENT (school workspace) of the school.
Creation of a digital presentation of the books selected by the students.