FRG23 CMST Cerf Volant
01 févr. 2023The students gathered in the terrace of the school and they were divided in three different groups. Manuel e Marcel, twomen of La Desirade, who belong to an association called SPRAID, explained them how to prepare a kite and whichmaterials fit better for the purpouse. Plastic bags, plastic sticks, paper and different and coloured ropes in order to makethe tail of the kite. Thanks to the students of the college, they were really able in doing knots, all the students were able to make them. Each group produced a kite with different coulours and different materials. The day after we all went to the stadium in the afternoon and finally we looked at them flying!
The students were able to produce a kite, with raw material and they were aware that using raw material they can have fun together. Some of them in the end were able to make some fishermen knot too. They got self confidence because theyrealized that helping each other they can reach excellent results.