ITS23 AA Presentation of school and group activities
02 avr. 2023On Saturday students were at school in the morning. First, they had the presentation of the College Maryse Conde, which wasprepared by students. They learned about the geographical and historical facts.They learned about the famous writer MaryseCondé who was nominated for Nobel proze for literature twice., about what is it like to live in the island. One of the mostinteresting thinks was how sargassums which due to global warming becomes a big threaten for islanders. This yoear they predictthat the huge wave of sargassum from Africa will pollute the seas around Guadeloupe. It is very toxic and it can harm not onlywaterlife but it damages the boats and it influences the traffic of boat between islands. Then they made the final evaluationquestionnaire. They expressed their ideas about the activities during the week.
After they were divided into groups and each group prepared the presentation of one day – to make a summary of the week. Theycould use the laptops and photos from each day. They wrote the presentation in English, so they developed their linguistic skillsand communication competences.
Students really appreciated the presentation of Guadeloupe as they didnt know much about the place. They asked the questions to learnmore and some of students took notes too. Working in groups and pairs made them more confident in using the English language and theyshared the responsibilities too. Final presentations were sent to the school coordinator and to each school.