ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread
ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread
ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread
ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread
ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread
ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread
ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread
ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread
ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread
ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread
ITA22 AA- From wheat to bread

This activity was conducted in two different times and places. The first part took place in the classroom, where, with the help of the technology teachers, they talked about the chemical composition of the soil in our area, which is not the same everywhere, but varies greatly. Then, always in class, they learned the importance of the wheat cycle in the exploitation and reconstitution of the mineral components of a soil, the knowledge of the various types of wheat, especially those, called ancient, which in recent years have been re-evaluated, rediscovered and used in bakery and pizzerias. Furthermore, with the science teachers they learned the importance of bread and pasta, two typical elements of the Mediterranean diet.
Finally we interviewed a baker, who told us how they work

  1. Where do you import wheat from?

 Only a small part of the wheat we use is imported, the rest is all Italian wheat

  1. How bread is made?

The bread is made using both new and traditional bread making techniques

  1. How long is the process used from making the bread takes?

The manufacturing, leavening and bread-making process takes from 12 to 72 hours

  1. How many machines do you use to make bread?

We only use kneading machines because the quantities are large and then the ovens which are mostly electric

  1. Do you plant wheat?

No, we don’t have wheat plantation

  1. What do you do with bread that is not sold?

We use unused bread or for soup kitchens in other cities or we reuse it to make toast or breadcrumbs for food use

  1. Where did you learn how to make bread?

From my grandparents, my parents and my uncles

  1. What is the bread that raises in the shortest time?

What we call evening bread

  1. Was the production of bread different before?

Only because kneading machines were not used and because the ovens were wood-fired

  1. Are there any preservatives in your bread?

No, we don’t use preservatives

  1. How long do you work a day?

We work 8 to 12 hours a day 6 days a week, but we are a great team

  1. How many types of bread do you produce?

Durum wheat bread, soft wheat bread and then particular bread with cereals as well as the production of pizzas, our traditional focaccias, arancini and biscuits of various kinds

  1. Do you use the ancient grains too?

We also use a lot of it to enhance local productions.

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