SL22 SEC Farewell dinner
18 avr. 2022Farewell dinner a nice one and a moving moment too. At the beginning the mayor of the city, lady Ľubica Balgovágreeted everyone and thanked those who made possible this week in the best way possible. Then she gave her gifts to the French and Italian teams. After the mayor it was time for the principal of the host school Alžbeta Krúpová, who thankedeveryone, especially the parents of the children who took part in the project. Finally, the project coordinator, Mr. Fabrice Tondeur, who spoke about the importance of Erasmus plus projects. After dinner, which consisted of typical Slovakcuisine, the cutting of the cake with the typical souvenir photos took place. Students presented the posters of the week to the parents and teachers. In English of course. Finally, the students, teachers and parents could sing and dance thanks to the DJ who animated the evening. The moment of final greetings was moving.
Pupils found new friends during the week and it is always emotional to say goodbye to them. Parents were proud of theirkids and they stressed the importance of Erasmus programme for pupils. The cooperation between all of us is essential for successful project implementation and dissemination.