The excursion began with a visit of this typical mountain village hidden in the forests of the mountain. It has an interesting mining history dated to medieval time. In its environs copper ore was mined and exported to various European countries. The main monument here is the facility used for calling the miners to work – Klopačka (piece of wood sound to call miners. No bells were used because they were used for church) which is standing in the centre of the village and served for 600 years. After the city tour we visited an old school. Activities were connected with the past about education of pupils and life in the village. Students wrote name of village, name of copper with opposite hand on a small black board (slade) using a chalk. The lady explained what punishments were used in school (Bad pupils had to wear a fake long tongue, ears of donkey, they were hit by stick on fingers or bottom, or stay for twenty minutes with basin full of dirty water on arms). Next workshop was to use ink with a feather to write. 

The teacher explained the symbols and colours of the hat of kids: green nature, black underground, yellow treasure. She showed a uniform of miners with 29 buttons because of St. Barbara was killed at the age of 29.

In 15th century owners of mines were one of the richest persons in the world: Thurzo and Fugger were very good managers and made a commerce with copper (money, jewellery, guns, kitchen tools). Nowadays it is used for electricity. We had explanations about rats in the mine to help humans to go out in case of danger. To conclude she explained that it was a difficult job, workers were on knees with candle light, wet and extracted only 10cm of the stones a day. They died very early, average age was 35 years. No vitamin D from sun and breath problems were the main problems of health.

77 kms of corridors are actually underground in the village. A movie 3D showed them how mines worked without electricity: mechanism used waterwheel of 12 meters diameter.

It was a really interesting moment which mixed, cultural and practical education around the old method of education and the history of the village. Pupils especially enjoyed the explanations about punishments!

SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
SL22 SEC traditional Village Spania Dolina school
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