IT22 AA Summary of the week. Playing together, and certification
27 févr. 2022Pupils came to school to do the last tasks of the week. First they compared the results of the test about volcanoes and then they played kahoot quiz, which consisted of 20 tasks. The tasks were about the activities they did during the whole week to see how much they learned. They used tablets or mobiles to play. First, they played kahoot individually, then as 3 teams. It was a good fun for them. At the end, they checked all the right answers. To promote European citizenship all participants sang a song Imagine by John Lennon, to express the solidarity with people who suffer from war and fear these days. Finally the principal of the school delivered the certificates to the participants and they all too a common picture. The coordinator of the project thanked all the teachers for preparing the week activities and pupils for great cooperation and active participation.
It was the moment of the Erasmus spirit. All pupils singing and playing together and sharing friendship and good mood.