In visual arts classes, the students worked on the depiction of the wind, they had to question the following problem: How to represent the invisible in art? They had previously studied works of the wind art representation, starting with ancient works, such as the Birth of Venus by Botticelli, in which the air is personified. This personification of the wind is found in Antiquity with the representation of Ether, the God of air. They also examined contemporary works such as the work of Robert, Morris, or the work using the force of the wind to mobilize the work itself, for example with Calder's mobiles.

Using the title of Jean-Luc Godard’s movie "Breathless", they had to produce an artistic work around the question of air and wind.


The had a great level of freedom while working on this project, they could either work in groups or individually. They also had a huge range of material to work from. They could work using digital tools, photographies, on paintings or from objects. The classroom space, but also the outdoor spaces were at their disposal to carry out their work. When the production phase was over, they had to make a presentation to the whole class, explaining their intentions, their successes and the difficulties encountered during the process. A written record was then made for each of the works produced. Other references were then analyzed and exploited from the work carried out. Students could thus acquire elements of artistic culture and practical skills.

AA Breathless
AA Breathless
AA Breathless
AA Breathless
AA Breathless
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