Gwo-ka is a so-called traditional art bringing together percussions, songs and dances. It is often presented and perceived as the embodiment of Guadeloupe. Gwo-ka arts come from the music, songs and dances reinvented by the descendants of former African slaves. On Tuesday May 18, 2021, our students participated in an introduction to music, songs and gwo-ka dance led by the LAKOU VERANDA association from Sainte-Anne. It was the occasion for them to discover these arts through the instruments (tanbou ka, chacha, tibwa, ...), the 7 rhythms, the codes (boula, makè, dansè), and the history. The gwo-ka dance cannot really be separated from the music which come with it. On Tuesday May 11, 2021, the students met for two hours with Mrs. Marie-Héléna Laumuno, an author and doctor of history, specialised in the contemporary history of Gwoka. She is also a singer and a dancer within the cultural association Fanm ki ka.

SEC  Gwo Ka Traditionnal musics and dances
SEC  Gwo Ka Traditionnal musics and dances
SEC  Gwo Ka Traditionnal musics and dances
SEC  Gwo Ka Traditionnal musics and dances
SEC  Gwo Ka Traditionnal musics and dances
SEC  Gwo Ka Traditionnal musics and dances
SEC  Gwo Ka Traditionnal musics and dances
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