SEC The arts of fire: ceramics
06 mai 2023Through researches on the Internet and in books (at the secondary school documentation and information center) and with information given at school by their teacher, the students learned about the different techniques of pottery making. They discovered the various archaeological traces in terracotta that can be found in La Désirade. Remains of utilitarian pottery have been found in large quantities on the various archaeological sites of the island. These objects served as containers for storage, cooking and meals. They were decorated with incisions, paint or modeling. The cooking from the earth was carried out in the following way: the pots were piled up in the open air, perhaps in a pit, then covered with branches which were set directly on fire with a quick cooking time, about two hours.
The students essentially practiced the technique of modeling to make Adornos which were ornamental models representing animals or human beings (zoomorphic or anthropomorphic) They were added to a container to decorate it. The students made pigs, goats, hedgehogs and imaginary animals