CLE The environment from A to Z
06 mai 2023In English class, students worked on the theme of the environment. They produced a glossary on environmental issues. They began by producing a presentation of their island, then they worked on several themes concerning the environment and issues related to climate change. The aim was to diversify their English vocabulary. Specific work has been given to students with learning difficulties. They had to learn marine species names of the specimen which can be found at La Désirade. By contextualizing learning, it became easier for students to learn Contextualized Vocabulary. Students also learnt how to voice their opinions and concerns in English, through the analysis of movies and texts such as Greta Thunberg ‘How Dare You’ speech at the U. N. Climate Action Summit. They also had to do some researches on Greta Thunberg and her actions on climate change.
During a day out at the University of Fouillole Antilles Guyane, students were also sensibilized by Mon Ecole Ma Baleine on the topic of Whales endangerment while travelling from Europe to the Caribbean during their reprodcution period. The association Mon Ecole Ma Baleine also came to Maryse Condé secondary school in January 2023, during the Erasmus exchange (with Slovakian, Sicilian and French students) to talk about the endangerment of whales and to raise awareness on the issue if no actions are taken to protect the whales.