FRG23 SEC Ceramic Workshop
01 févr. 2023Straight in the middle of the forest, during a rainy afternoon, we met two girls, an Argentine and a Canadian. In a hut at the end of the island she can find the clay she needs for her creations. She explained our students how to work clay. Thenshe asked them to think about their final product. She gave them few minutes to get the inspiration. Then they startedworking, each one of them following their own inspiration. Step by step their work of arts had a shape, a whale in the waves, a burning fire, a volcano, leaves, bowls, dishes, palms and so on. They got their inspiration from the four éléments (air, fire, water and ground). Each one of the students after they made their work and painted them, they explained us the reason of their work. Now their work are in the oven…waiting for them on Sunday morning before leaving.
They got self confidence working in the silence of the nature and they had the chance to know two girls, coming fromdifferent parts of the world who earn money thanks their craftwork that comes from nature.